For your convenience, NBCU’s VISA Check card is set up to work anywhere in the world. However, each country and each individual terminal may have their own rules and restrictions.

These rules or restrictions would take precedence over our parameters and cannot be overridden by us. When traveling it is always recommended to have at least 2 methods of payment, with one preferably a credit card, to avoid any problems if a card does not work.

These are the daily limits on both the VISA Check card and the VISA credit card:

CardType of TransactionNumber of Transaction LimitsDollar Amount Limits
VISA Check CardPOS (Point of Sale)unlimited$2,500.00
VISA Check CardATM (Automated Teller Machine)20$500.00
Teen VISA Check CardPOS (Point of Sale)unlimited$250.00
Teen VISA Check CardATM (Automated Teller Machine)20$100.00
Daily limits for the Visa Debit/ATM Card

It is a good practice to notify us if you plan to be traveling out of the state or country. Our security monitoring systems, Falcon and Enfact, will be able to approve the transactions without any inconvenience to you based on the travel information you provide to us.